Legal Schools of Thought

The legal world is often complicated and messy, full of hot-button topics where one disagreement often leads to political divisions. One may wonder why all these professionals, who have received similar training in jurisprudence courses, have such contrasting viewpoints on the same issues. This week, the writer takes a look at the various schools ofContinue reading “Legal Schools of Thought”

Sharia Law: What is it?

Our day-to-day lives are inextricably bound to a complex bureaucratic system of organisational principles; one may be prosecuted for an act deemed illegal by the government, despite lacking an awareness of its illicit nature. While it may seem unjust to be punished for something that may not seem to be unlawful, the law is theContinue reading “Sharia Law: What is it?”

Huawei: Meng Wanzhou, Geopolitics and Security Interests

Any information linked to Chinese technology company Huawei has topped the headlines for the past few months, ranging from privacy concerns over 5G networks to bans over hardware. Today, the writer delves deeply into an issue that the tech giant has faced since 2018: the case of Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou, due for extraditionContinue reading “Huawei: Meng Wanzhou, Geopolitics and Security Interests”

Why is racial discrimination illegal on employment websites but not on social websites such as Facebook or Tinder?

In answering this question, I present justification for the disparities in legislation governing racial discrimination versus social websites. The primary question to be answered is whether existing differences between the former and the latter in terms of the nature of individuals’ interaction justify the disparity in racial discrimination laws. Hence, this essay presents contrasts inContinue reading “Why is racial discrimination illegal on employment websites but not on social websites such as Facebook or Tinder?”

Covid-19 Throughout the World

It’s Day X of lockdown here in Singapore (haven’t we all lost count already? – but to the best of the writer’s knowledge, it’s actually Day 56: the last day, hallelujah!), as we are just completing our lockdown even while various countries in the continent are gradually re-opening shops and businesses. The current virus situationContinue reading “Covid-19 Throughout the World”

Greta Thunberg: TIME’s Person of the Year

This is a little something that this writer has been reflecting on this quarantine season! It’s a bit late to mention this accolade – we’re wondering how climate activism may take place in this age of social distancing and lockdowns, so this article may be a little relevant to us all 🙂 Last year, GretaContinue reading “Greta Thunberg: TIME’s Person of the Year”

The Job Dilemma

Getting a job perennially remains at the forefront of every graduate student’s worries. It is especially a struggle in the job market for those hailing from Singapore – a small nation that prides itself on world-class universities (that supposedly churn out capable additions to the workforce) while simultaneously utilising much foreign talent. In this article,Continue reading “The Job Dilemma”

The Eerie Rise of Nationalism

Nationalism is power hunger tempered by self-deception. George Orwell Recent events such as the election of self-proclaimed right-wing nationalists in several European states act as a beacon of the onslaught of controversial nationalist sentiments. Whilst nationalism invariably stems from intense patriotism which some view as positive, the writer’s view is that nationalism brings about moreContinue reading “The Eerie Rise of Nationalism”

The Hong Kong Protests

Hong Kong: the city of chaos. In this first article, the writer will attempt to expand on different aspects of the Hong Kong issue from a student’s perspective. A brief overview Since the beginning of the pro-democracy protests in April 2019, the Hong Kong demonstrators have been using increasingly violent measures to demonstrate their dissatisfactionContinue reading “The Hong Kong Protests”

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